Tuesday December 17, 2024
Light a candle and pray Jesus light of the world come into our darkness and be our joy!
Read Isaiah 25:1,4, 6-9
The Lord makes his plans and he keeps them. He does a far better job at this than we do. But we can rest assured that Jesus wants joy to be a part of our life. He wants us to live and enjoy the life that he dies to give us.
Have you ever sat down as an act of worship and written out a plan of enjoyment? Lets do that. Make a plan of things that you want to do to make sure you add some enjoyment in life. This could be as simple as going fishing or sitting down with a freind. Or it could be complex as a trip you've always wanted to take. But make a plan. Write down dates where you are going to do something that you enjoy. Put it in your calendar. As you do this invite the Holy Spirit to come and rest on us as we make our plans. This activity isn't all about you, it is about God's gift of joy and enjoyment of the life he has given you. We can make the most of our life as we strive to serve and worship Jesus, lets plan on it.