Wednesday December 11, 2024
Light a candle and pray Jesus light of the world come into our darkness and be our peace!
Read Psalm 1 as a prayer.
If the prayer in Psalm 1 was answered we would yield our fruit in season, our leaves would never wither and all we do would prosper. But this prayer is also teaching us how to stand, sit and walk out the life that Jesus has for us. It instructs us as we desire to follow Jesus. We would have more peace in our life as we walked with Jesus.
How do you meditate on the law of the Lord? To meditate is to chew on and get all the nutrition that you can from them. Does the Lord know your ways and do you know his?
Where in your life do you need to realign your life with the life Jesus is asking you to live ? Spend some time reflecting on this for your life.