Thursday December 12, 2024
Light a candle and pray Jesus light of the world come into our darkness and be our peace!
Read Colossians 2:6-15
Where is the place your mind goes when you think of the word peace? When I'm going through a hard time I allow my mind to drift to a place where I know I will find peace. It is usually on water and with a fishing pole in my hand but peace can be ellusive, even in the setting is perfect. It can be fleeting even if I'm catching fish. Even if I go to my peaceful place and I'm not in a good place spiritually then it isn't as peaceful as I hope it would be. This is why it is so important to root our peace in Jesus.
In Psalm 1 and here as well in Colossians 2 we see the importance of being rooted in Jesus. I love the word rooted. I have a picture of a tall tree with deep roots just to the right of my computer screen to remind me that we are to be rooted in Jesus and we should allow the roots to go deep. Wherever we go for peace we need Jesus to be there with us. He is our peace far more than any peaceful place. But if we find him in our peaceful place then we are doubly blessed.
Take a blank piece of paper and imagine yourself going somewhere peaceful with Jesus. Where do you go? Draw that place. It doesn't have to be perfect or even good, it is a exercise in spending time with Jesus and letting ourselves imagine his peace in our life.